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PT. igus® Indonesia

Taman Tekno BSD

Blok J1 No. 12 & 15

Tangerang Selatan 15314

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iglidur® Q2 - Material data

Materials table

Genera l featuresUnitiglidur® Q2test method
Colour beige-brown 
Max. humidity absorption at 23°C/50% R. H.% weight1,1DIN 53495
Max. water absorption% weight4,6 
Coefficient of surface friction, dynamic, against steelµ0,22 - 0,42 
pv value, max. (dry)MPa x m/s0,7 

Mechanical properties
Bending E-moduleMPa8.370DIN 53457
Tensile strength at +20 °CMPa240DIN 53452
compressive strengthMPa130 
Maximum recommended surface pressure (20° C)MPa120 
Shore D-hardness 80DIN 53505

Physical and thermal properties
Max. long term application temperature°C+130 
Max. short term application temperature°C+200 
Minimum application temperature°C-40 
thermal / heat conductivity[W/m x K]0,24ASTM C 177
Coefficient of thermal expansion (at 23° C)[K-1 x 10-5]8DIN 53752

Electrical properties
Specific forward resistanceΩcm> 1013DIN IEC 93
surface resistanceΩ> 1011DIN 53482

'Table 01: Material Data

pv values Q2

Fig. 01: Admissible pv values for iglidur® Q2 plain bearings with 1 mm wall thickness under dry running conditions against a steel shaft, at +20°C, installed into a steel housing.

X = surface speed [m/s]
Y = load [MPa]
iglidur® Q2 plain bearings represent high load capacities and good abrasion resistance under high loads. The value for money is outstanding. Solid lubricants reduce the coefficient of friction and improve the resistance to wear, which was markedly improved as compared to other iglidur® plain bearings for high load pivoting applications.

Figure 02: Maximum recommended surface pressure dependent on the temperature (120 MPa to +20 °C)

X = Temperature [°C]
Y = Load [MPa]
Figure 03: Deformation under load and temperatures

X = Load [MPa]
Y = Deformatio [%]

Mechanical properties

The pressure resistance of iglidur® Q2 plain bearings declines with increasing temperatures. Fig. 02 clarifies this connection. With the long-term permitted application temperature of +130°C, the permitted surface pressure still amounts to 20 MPa. iglidur® Q2 plain bearings represent high load capacities and good abrasion resistance under high loads.
Figure 03 shows the elastic deformation of iglidur® Q2 at radial loads.

Maximum surface speed

m/s Rotary oscillating Linear
Constant 1 0,7 4
Short-term 2 1,4 5
Table 02: Maximum surface speeds

Permitted surface speeds

The typical applications for iglidur® Q2 plain bearings are high load pivoting motions at comparatively low speeds. Independently of that, relatively high speeds are still attainable. The speeds stated in Table 02 are limit values for the lowest bearing loads. As loads increase, the admissible speed is reduced with higher loads due to the limitations of the pv value.

Temperature limits

iglidur® Q2 Application temperature
Lower - 40 °C
Upper, long-term + 130 °C
Upper, short-term + 200 °C
Secure axially in addition + 70 °C
Table 03: Temperature limits for iglidur® Q2


iglidur® Q2 is a very temperature resistant material. The long-term upper temperature limit of +130°C permits the broad use in applications typical of the agricultural, utility vehicle or construction equipment fields. However, the pressure resistance of iglidur® Q2 plain bearings declines as temperatures increase. Additional safety is required at temperatures over +70°C. When considering temperatures, the additional frictional heat in the bearing system must be taken into account.

Figure 04: Coefficients of friction dependent on the surface speed, p = 1 MPa

X = Sliding speed [m/s]
Y = Coefficient of friction μ

Friction and wear

iglidur® Q2 has a low coefficient of friction. Please note that a gliding partner with a rough surface finish will increase the friction. The highest coefficients of friction occur at Ra = 1 μm. We recommend shaft surface finishes from (Ra) 0.1 to a maximum of 0.4 μm. Furthermore, the coefficient of friction of iglidur® Q2 plain bearings largely depends on the speed and load. As the speed increases, the coefficient of friction will quickly increase as well. However, as the load is reduced, the coefficient of friction initially drops significantly, then moderately.
iglidur® Q2 Dry Grease Oil Water
Coefficients of friction µ 0,22 - 0,42 0,09 0,04 0,04

Table 04: Coefficients of friction for iglidur® Q2 against steel
(Ra = 1 µm, 50 HRC)
Coefficients of friction Figure 05: Coefficients of friction dependent on the load, v = 0.01 m/s

X = Load [MPa]
Y = Coefficient of friction μ

Wear information Figure 06: Wear, rotating application with different shaft materials, p = 45 MPa, v = 0,01 m/s
X = shaft materials
Y = wear [μm/km]
A = Machining steel
B = Cf53
C = Cf53, hard chrome-plated
D = V2A
E = X90

shaft materials

Generally, we recommend the use of hardened shafts for use in high load applications. Furthermore, even at low to medium loads, iglidur® Q2 will attain increased service life with "hard" shafts as compared to "soft" shafts.
But for low load applications, the results are outstanding with free cutting steel as well. For high loads, the wear in pivoting applications is much lower than for rotations. Please contact us in case the shaft material scheduled by you is not included here.
Wear information Figure 07: Wear with pivoting and rotating applications with Cf53 according to the load
X = Load [MPa]
Y = Wear [μm/km]
A = rotary
B = oscillating

Medium Resistance
Alcohols +
Hydrocarbons +
Greases, oils without additives +
Fuels +
Diluted acids 0 to -
Strong acids -
Diluted bases +
Strong bases 0
+ resistant      0 limited resistance      - not resistant
All specifications at room temperature[+20 °C]
Table 05: resistant to chemicals

Electrical properties

Specific forward resistance > 1013 Ωcm
Surface resistance > 1011 Ω

chemical resistance

iglidur® Q2 plain bearings have good resistance to chemicals. They are resistant to most lubricants. The resistance is only limited for acids

Radioactive rays

iglidur® Q2 plain bearings are radiation resistant up to a radioactive intensity of 3 x 102 Gy.


iglidur® Q2 are permanently resistant to UV radiation.


The low water elements degas in the vacuum. Applications under vacuum conditions are possible with restrictions.

Electrical properties

iglidur® Q2 plain bearings are electrically insulating.

Maximum moisture absorption
by +23 °C/50 % r. F. 1,1 weight-%
Max. water absorption 4,6 weight-%

Table 06: Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme von Iglidur® Q2
Effect of moisture absorption on plain bearings Diagram 10: Effect of moisture absorption
X = Moisture absorption [weight %]
Y = Reduction of inside diameter [%]

humidity absorption

Under normal climatic conditions, the moisture absorption of iglidur® Q2 plain bearings is less than 1.1 %. The saturation limit in water is 4.6%.

d1 [mm]
h9 [mm]
iglidur® Q2
E10 [mm]
Housing H7
Up to 3 0 - 0,025 +0,014 +0,054 0 +0,010
> 3 to 6 0 - 0,030 +0,020 +0,068 0 +0,012
> 6 to 10 0 - 0,036 +0,025 +0,083 0 +0,015
> 10 to 18 0 - 0,043 +0,032 +0,102 0 +0,018
> 18 to 30 0 - 0,052 +0,040 +0,124 0 +0,021
> 30 to 50 0 - 0,062 +0,050 +0,150 0 +0,025
> 50 to 80 0 - 0,074 +0,060 +0,180 0 +0,030
> 80 to 120 0 - 0,087 +0,072 +0,212 0 +0,035
> 120 to 180 0 - 0,100 +0,085 +0,245 0 +0,040

Table 07: Important tolerances iaw. ISO 3547-1 after press-fitting.

Installation tolerances

iglidur® Q2 plain bearings are standard bearing for shafts with tolerance h (minimum recommendation is h9).
The bearings are designed for press-fit in a housing with h7 tolerance. After the installation in a housing with nominal diameter, the inner diameter of the bearing automatically adjusts to the E10 tolerance. In certain dimensions the tolerance in dependence on the wall thickness deviates from this (See delivery program )


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Sophian Bin Saob

Product Manager Bearings National

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igus® GmbH menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak menjual produk apa pun dari perusahaan Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM, Parker, Bosh Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber dan semua produsen drive disebutkan di situs web ini. Produk yang ditawarkan oleh igus® adalah milik igus® GmbH.