Taman Tekno BSD
Blok J1 No. 12 & 15
Tangerang Selatan 15314
The igus® D1 and D2 motor control system can be used for any type of motor. With the exception of the igus® D3 motor control system, all can be operated at 48V. The igus® D3 motor control system works with 24V. The motor control systems D3, D7, D8 and D9 are intended for simple automation directly on the control system and therefore do not require any software and/or PC. The igus® D1 and D2 motor control system also do not require any additional software installation, but are programmed based on web browsers. In this way, settings can be parametrised on the PC but also on the tablet and smart phone. No programming knowledge is required for this. All output stages can also work as slaves, making them versatile.
Senin sampai Jumat dari jam 8.30 - 17.30 WIB
Senin sampai Jumat dari jam 8.30 - 17.30 WIB