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PT. igus® Indonesia

Taman Tekno BSD

Blok J1 No. 12 & 15

Tangerang Selatan 15314

+62 21 7588 1933
+62 21 7588 1932

dry-tech®: tribo-polymers developed for dry operation

New bearing materials that provide new self-lubricated tribological solutions are the product of more than 8,000 tests per year.

igus® develops polymer materials that solve new bearing tribology application problems. Base-polymers, solid lubricants and reinforcements are combined in such a manner that the desired bearing properties are attained. These are validated in lab-tests based on practical experience in order to optimize the materials.
These tests validate the bearing system consisting of shaft, bearing and ambient conditions.
igus® standard tests combine 12 different load cases (0.25 MPa to 150 MPa), 3 temperature ranges, 6 shaft materials, and 3 directions of movements.
This allows us to make specific service-life predictions for nearly any customer application. And when there are occasions where this is not the case, we will conduct test trials for individual applications.

dry-tech®: the right configurator for each dry-tech® product area, available to anyone online

The results from all dry-tech tests are accessible 24 hrs/day on-line without registration for all users.

igus® provides a simple method for selecting the correct dry-tech® bearing within seconds, based on the conviction that the most cost-effective solution that works is best. More than 28,000 different products are designed to fulfill this purpose.

dry-tech®: everything from a single source

igus® produces everything in-house, from plastic compounds to customer-specific linear actuators.

In addition to more than 30 standard compounds, igus® also produces hundreds of other niche solutions using special compounds.
Each day, more than 300 injection molding machines produce millions of plain bearing products, largely fully automated.
Flexible production and assembly facilities permit infinite combinations of individual components into products and systems that are delivered to customers from as little as 48 hrs.
The combination of certified products and quality assurance fulfills the most demanding standards for product safety – up to individual product tests.

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igus® GmbH menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak menjual produk apa pun dari perusahaan Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM, Parker, Bosh Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber dan semua produsen drive disebutkan di situs web ini. Produk yang ditawarkan oleh igus® adalah milik igus® GmbH.